The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is challenging manufacturers to go beyond the state e-waste programs through the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge.

The basic requirements of participation for manufacturers include:

  • Increasing the number of electronics collected through events and permanent sites.
  • Sending 100 percent of the used electronics collected through these programs to third-party certified recyclers.
  • Publicly reporting information on collection and recycling data.


ERI is prepared to support all manufacturers at the Gold Level which provides the highest-level status for exemplary and well developed collection programs utilizing certified recyclers. ERI offers the following partnership advantages:

  • Existing network of over 3,800 collection sites and hundreds of collection events each year.
  • 9 e-Steward and NAID certified recycling facilities owned and operated by ERI where all used electronics will be recycled.
  • Transparent and fully documented Downstream Vendor Management Program that tracks used electronics from the point to entry to final disposition.
  • Assistance in meeting all SMM Electronics Challenge reporting requirements.

Through your partnership with ERI, you can truly demonstrate your commitment to leading the industry in the area of electronics recycling.